Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I'm empty and boring!

As you all know last month was a sad month. The Bear has gone.
So her final photo is here.
I miss her loads.
Every time I see something out the corner of my eye I think it's her.
On a brighter note I went to the cricket:
Little P, Ape in a suit and Budget Boy were all in good form.
Most entertaining conversation of the day:
Spunky - "I never win anything in my life, but I won a trip to Namibia. I had an excellent time in February. Somewhere I would never have planned to visit."
Ape in a Suit - "I never win anything either, but I won tickets to the Guinness Rugby Final."
Budget Boy - "I won a Lexus"
A supposedly humorous adornment on that most famous of nightspots "Up the Creek":

Soho! When I was a young(er) lad, I used to be a bit grungey. This was the grunge pub:

The Intrepid Fox.

Looks like grunge is no more.

Could someone tell me why this stupid fucking system decides that I now want double spaces between paragraphs?

Also went up north to see mum and dad. Mum is a tiny bit better but has so far to go I'm still very worried. We made a trip to Arnside. Well, we did after about 2 hours in traffic. I never realised a Blackberry was so good! Both for the cricket and Facebook. (speaking of which, get your name down there Dome)

The Arnside Viaduct:

Tea time I guess.



Blogger Holly said...

Shame you werent about today, twas beautiful and walk in the park would have been good!!

7:29 PM  
Blogger Nat said...

Where was that Thai restaurant we went to in Soho? I still have the water bottle on my window sill. I kept it for its green rubber ball stopper. How sad is that?

I am but the product of my parents... Steptoe and son!

How's the car now?

9:01 AM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

The car is beautiful!

Looks shiny and clean and angry!

It's scorching here and I only got up at 1! I shouldn't be such a gadabout!

11:48 AM  

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