Saturday, December 16, 2006

What a concept!

Saturday morning! Up quite early for me. England have thrown it away in the cricket again. No footie for me today as we're goona be trounced by Chelsea tomorrow. Don't get me onto football and the ruinous effect of too much money in the game!
Had a kebab last night. Nope, I hadn't been drinking. But it was late and I was hungry.
News this week:
My ex Aussie-dutch has had a baby!!!! A blinking baby! That now means at 4 of my ex's have had babies, and those are the ones I know aboot! It's a frightening thought. I think I'm behind the game a bit.
There was probably more news but not that interesting.
Right. I really must do something today. Yesterday I did nothing whatsover. Today I must start getting the flat in order for mummy and daddy Trunks. I've ordered the turkey, but it's going to be tricky as mummy trunks is still very ill and doesn't enjoy eating. Hopefully it will be a nice change for them both. Hard work for me cooking all week though.
WAIT! The Bear wants to go for a run......
The christmas cards are beginning to rock in, 11 so far, mind you I am counting one from Guinness and one from Lakeside.
Great series never die!!!
Cylindrical Buildings of the World - Number Six!
This is an oasthouse I stayed in last year for a holiday. It's only in Sevenoaks and it's cool only having to travel half an hour to be on holiday. It had a heated outdoor swimming pool (I skinny dipped!), but it also had spider's webs down the back of the chest of drawers.
Another great holiday arranged by my ex. She had a great talent for it. But then it was also a talent for squandering money.
Right! Next task! Take out the recycling.



Blogger H x said...

A cylindrical building with a pointy top. Again.

Well that means my round church DOES fulfil the criteria after all!

And no, i didn't solve it. I had to give in and sign up again.

12:03 PM  
Blogger H x said...

P.S. i've just done 500 steps on my step machine, i'm nearly dead with exhustion and yet it says i've only used up 70 calories. SEVENTY! That's less than half a packet of crisps. Probably less than are in an apple even. How pants is that?

12:08 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

Nope. Well, maybe! Your church is a cylinder upon a cylinder with upward slope in the middle. It's more rocket shaped! I do appreciate you looking though. Searching the world for cylindrical buildings is a taxing quest.

AND by the way, half a bag of crisps is a huge amount of calories. You only need to eat into the calories you don't need. And that's not that many.

I'm impressed anyway!

3:55 PM  

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