Monday, October 10, 2005

Terry Nutkin's Relatives


Well after a weekend of frivolity in Merseyside I'm back. Popped up on Friday night to visit Mum and Dad and got there just in time for chips and gravy! AH! Chips and blinking gravy, it's heaven I tell you AND further culinary treats to come.

After a night of howling (they were looking after my neice for the night) we rumbled off to Formby (scene of the cunning plot me and my good friend Gray plotted many years ago of walking into the sea up to our necks fully clothed. All was good fun until we realised that despite the sun our clothes wouldn't dry and we had to drive home in our (soggy) pants. We must've looked a right comedy duo. Especially arriving home at our parents).

Hmmmm where was I? Oh yes! I must say I've never seen so many red squirrels. Very lovely they were too (and only 30p for nuts to feed them with) I took young Lauren (neice aged 2 ish) running down the slopes using her reigns to pull her into a short flight every time she fell. Very entertaining.

Also! I had purchased 2 pimbletts pies (one meat and potato and one steak) to nourish myself and they were lovely. Why can't southerners make pies?

So then home and out for a posh meal in't village with mum quaffing a whole bottle of wine and moving onto Stella. She doesn't drink much but loves it when she does. That led to some entertaining debate.

A fly down the M6, M1 etc and I'm home and before you know it it's work again. Although today had the bonus of an evacuation in the middle of the team meeting I was running. Home by 4.30! NB it was just a test.

Right, I suppose I ought to do the shopping......



Blogger starbender said...

Just surfed in, and enjoyed reading your posts!

4:15 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

Cant believe its Monday already! Where did the weekend go?

I love watching the footy especially when England are playing, however Saturday's match wasnt that exciting although Beckham getting 2 yellow cards did cause an uproar in the pub! After the football we took refuge in the pub for the rest of the eve and then my friend and I decided to gatecrash one of her friends house party! What a night - I managed to last an extra hour at the party and then had to leave because I was starting to see 2 of everyone!

Your weekend... shall I say sounded interesting! Glad to hear the nuts are back in full working order!

5:38 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

I know it's heinous.

Just back from the pub and need food. There is nothing immediately apparent and that is upsetting.

Today has been quite fruitful, I finally cleared my in tray of rubbish. Must've been a good two foot tall.

6:24 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

Hi Spunky,

Its the weekend and I must say this week has gone quickly, but the weekend doesnt start until 6pm this evening when I finish work!

Hope your week has been ok?! I am doing nothing this weekend, just relaxing and preparing myself for an interview I have on Tueaday! Wish me luck coz I'm going to need it!

12:31 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

interview eh? For anything exciting?

Best of luck from me, I hope you come across as a girl genius.

I must say I'm wasted at this moment! Been a heacy night.


11:32 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

Heavy! Not heacy. and we lost again and I'm moderately glum.

11:32 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

Its an interview for a job within BT - resolution team member, jazzed up name for complaints advisor within Faults! I think I'm well prepared but I have a mock interview later today so time will tell!
Spunky, you need to think positive and you might win...maybe!!
Anyway this weekend was most relaxing, I didnt step out my cosy flat all weekend and very nice it was too!!

What did you do apart from drown your sorrows?! x

12:07 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

Well good luck for the interview. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Sounds like a top weekend. I picked up my good mate Stevo from Gatwick on Friday night and then got him home for about 11 and decided to knock off a few bottles of wine (I've created quite a stock pile).

I then took my hangover to the footie on Sat and me and Ad hit the West End and trawled round numerous bars (until his young lady phoned him and put the guilty clamp on him) I then went home and had lots of cheese!

Sunday I did the decent thing and didn't even get changed.

Cosy flats rock!

12:16 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

ARRRGHH!! I just had a sort of mock interview and I got a grillng! The interview is gonna be worse! Now I'm scared!

Yes cosy flats do rock, especially mine! I too didnt get dressed Sunday as I felt it was inappropriate until my mother decided to pop over for a coffee - which was a mad rush to get changed and look an inch respectable! Unfortunately I didnt have time to clear out my collection of wine bottles and mother was not in the least impressed!
West end sounds excellent for a night on the tiles!

Mmmm, I could eat a nice bit of brie on a cracker right now!!

4:16 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

Don't worry it'll be fine. I always worry loads before interviews. They're always better than you expect. Just sit forward, look interested and have a couple of questions ready.

Mocks are always worse.

I must say (controversially) that I think Brie is one of my least favourite cheeses!

I had goats cheese in chives, Emmental and cheddar! CHEESE SELECTION!

Good luck!

8:19 AM  
Blogger Holly said...

Hi Spunky!

I think the interview went quite well, not quite sure though. I got a grilling and a half at least it only lasted 45 mins! Another guy went for it and was in there for 1 hour and half so not sure whether thats a good or bad sign!
Anyway its over now and everyone keeps saying I scrub up well like I come to work very scruffy, bloody cheeky buggers!

I must say I am partial to a bit of goats cheese, I went to a restaurant ages ago now and they done a delicious goat cheese starter and was balls of goats cheese covered in breadcrumbs and obviously fried so when you bit into it the cheese was warm and gooey...yummy!

I'm out on the razzle tonight seeing my fave band and I have a day off tomorrow so dont have to worry about the hangover!

Hows your week going? x

2:59 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...


Well done! You never can tell with interviews. I've known within minutes I'm going to take someone on and done a quick interview and then had someone bobbins and done a long one to give them a fair crack of the whip. Hope you get it anyway.
It's always good to get it done anyway. I hate interviews with a passion. Scrub up well? Hmmm interesting.

Must admit I don't make much effort to look good at work. Poor show to be fair.

Hope your hangover isn't too bad. I'm working like a bee to ensure all is level before I go on holiday. Three weeks, so it needs to be straight. Need a beer now!

Great thunderstorms out the window!

5:07 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

Hi Spunky

Had a lovely day off yesterday, I was very lucky I didnt have a hangover but I still stayed in bed until 12:30 and it was lovely! Went and met a friend for lunch and then went home and cosied up on the sofa to a book, what a relaxing day off!
Today...back to reality! Havent heard about job yet, but I'm hoping I will know at some point today. i too dont make much of an effort at work, however I do try to on a Monday and then it seems to go downhill as the week goes on and yes I scrub up ok!

Do you mean you have 3 weeks off or your going on holiday in 3 weeks? Going anywhere hot and sunny? x

P.S you can call me Holly!

12:28 PM  

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