Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I pick my head up from uneasy pillows....

Ack. Yer man Trunks is full of cold today.

Answered the phone last night to some eejit from Next dierectory and the call took over a minute because I was sneezing every five minutes. It wasn't even for me!

Sadly I'm gonna have to go into work later on as I have too much to do.

The Bear was being her usual annoying self this morning. Every morning from 6:30am she starts screaming to be let out of the kitchen. I mean I wouldn't mind but I only lock her in there because if I don't she either bangs on the mirror wardrobe or scratches the side of the bed to wake me up at 3 am. (Why does she do that??? It only means she is swiftly locked in the kitchen. It's not because she's hungry. I think it's because she loves sleeping herself but doesn't like others doing it).

So anyway I get up, feed and water her and set her free. What do you reckon she does:

A) Say a thank you miaow and gives me a big cuddle
B) Quietly eats her food and goes to sleep
C) Happliy eats then asks to be let out for a run
D) Wait till Trunky goes to bed and then starts scratching the sofa to pieces

It's not hard to guess INGRATE!

The Bear in the fridge yesterday


Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

Indeed, for it says so on the label and I am a slave to instruction.

You will note the fullness of the fridge demonstrating this picture was taken some time ago.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Nat said...

Wow, you refrigerate kitty!

12:52 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

Blueberries, Cheese, pasta and is that Hoummus I can see?!

4:08 PM  

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