Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Love you, I ain't ever gonna love you.

Spunky is back from footie. Another glorious win for the boys. I was a bit rubbish though to be fair.

So? What's new? Well, bachelor life has too many problems to it. I had to do the washing up, clean up the bathroom, put sheets on the spare bed, fix a kitchen cabinet, pour sulphuic acid down the bathroom plugholes and get hair from the plug.

Where is the fun in all that?

A gratuitous picture of me in a posh pool in the Beverley Wilshire Hotel (where Richard Gere boned Julia Roberts in 'Pretty Woman')

People Wot Look Like me V

I posted this one before but it was lost to some cunting website jump. Anyway, enough of my foul language:

16) Roger Waters - I've had this one a couple of times, from Pants and Cazzy G. I mean it's not bad to be compared to the megalomaniac visionary but I know they do it cos he's got a big nose and fat lips.



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