Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I Eat Electric Light

I've been quiet a while so I'd better type something!

I'm doing 'mentor speed dating' tomorrow! Guess what that is.

Well I'm told it means I (as a mentor) have to meet loads of more junior managers and they can pick me to be their mentor. Sounds grim, and imagine if no one picks me! The humiliation.

The bright side? The event takes 3 hours and will be in the pub in the afternoon. I mean Jesus if someone doesn't pick me after 6 pints then I really have a problem.

Right! To bed and dream aboot the undersea world.



Blogger Nat said...

And you're trying to tell me that your job is stressful!

I shall never believe you again.
You'll have them fighting over you. Prepare for some fisticuffs.

I advise a Rock Off Comp to determine which one is good enough to be 'mentalisted' by you!
N xxx

6:24 AM  
Blogger Holly said...

Hi Spunky
This "speed dating mentor thingy" sounds rather interesting, I'm almost sure someone will want to pick you! If noone does then you can do some bribing...extra drinks...all the inside info etc!

Had a lovely day off yesterday, I was very lucky I didnt have a hangover but I still stayed in bed until 12:30 and it was lovely! Went and met a friend for lunch and then went home and cosied up on the sofa to a book, what a relaxing day off!
Today...back to reality! Havent heard about job yet, but I'm hoping I will know at some point today. i too dont make much of an effort at work, however I do try to on a Monday and then it seems to go downhill as the week goes on and yes I scrub up ok!

Do you mean you have 3 weeks off or your going on holiday in 3 weeks? Going anywhere hot and sunny? x

P.S you can call me Holly!

12:33 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

Just found out, I didnt get the job but hey its all experience. I interviewed well but my examples werent strong enough...back to the drawing board!
Hope your speed mentor thingy went well and lots of people picked you!! x

3:47 PM  
Blogger H x said...


Spunky, If you are going on hols please can you do me a favour? Could you go to Perth and drag Nat back? This 'my best friend lives in Oz' thing really isn't working for me. And if she starts kicking and screaming I assume you are conversant in the use of handcuffs?...!

Much appreciated ;o)

H x

5:13 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

It is stressful.......sometimes!

Sorry you didn't get the job Holly. There'll be more to come, they must've got their interview notes mixed up.

I'm off to Malaysia in a week. For 3 weeks! I'm a bit frightened as I've never flown for more than 4 hours. I hope it'll be hot and sunny and I want to see some good lizards and snakes! I scrubbed up OK this weekend!

H, I'll try and pop over to Perth and drag Natterjack home. I'm more than willing to use force if necessary. I thinks she's too far away too!

7:55 PM  

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