I don't even know you, we only met once.
Do you know they're planning to cull 100,000 badgers???!!!!
That's 1/3 the population.
It must be stopped!
On a more cullworthy note:
On the way home from jury service today (more detail to follow) a family gets on the bus. A very fat family. A very fat young family. Bad diet I hear you cry! Well, that and the fact that they had waited to catch a bus one stop of aboot 100 yards! I despair.
That's 1/3 the population.
It must be stopped!
On a more cullworthy note:
On the way home from jury service today (more detail to follow) a family gets on the bus. A very fat family. A very fat young family. Bad diet I hear you cry! Well, that and the fact that they had waited to catch a bus one stop of aboot 100 yards! I despair.
these people dont help themselves, i feel bad when i get the bus from mutley plain to town which is about 20 min walk!
how is jury service going?
I sometimes wonder how some people live day to day. The kind of people that look like a pear both in profile and straight on. Then you watch them order a huge cheeseburger with everycondoment know to man on it plus everything else that could possibly go on one (tomato, onions, another hamburger (not kidding!) everyting), a tup of greasy fries, and a diet coke.
Are you actually allowed to talk about your time on the jury??? Don't think you are are you?
Moo - Good stuff, I'm like that too. Jury service is dull
Stig - Ah well, maybe eating is their hobby. We all need that. By the way, are you now named after that bloke from Top Gear?
H - The judge seemed do indicate that I could after the case. I certainly can't during (not even the cat). I shall clarify beforehand.
I think the badger cull is already well under way judging by the sheer number of dead badgers I keep seeing by the roadside.
And 'ye gods' re the fat family.
I miss badgers!
oh and did the fat people actually fit in their seats? I used to hate getting on the bus and the only seat left was the tiny slither of cushion next to the fat bird who was taking up almost two seats!
They should get charged extra!
(I'm a horrible person today!)
do they do anything with the culled badgers?
Here when they cull the kangaroos they make little leather purses out of their scrotes!
That I am spunky, that I am.
JJ - That's just road kill, they'll be using (probably until they're allowed to use carbon monoxide in the sets) snares which are a really slack way to kill anything.
Nat - there was nowhere for them to sit, and they wouldn't deign to climb the stairs. I expect the badgers will be burnt 'cos their excuse for killing them is that they spread bovine TB. In fact the cull is liable to make this worse in areas surrounding the cull (according to scientists).
I am still shaking from that powerpoint slide you sent me Nat.
You've been tagged Spunky. See me for details!
'Yes, Miss!'
look, I got my pic on the comments thing just like Jane!
Why can I only figure out complicated computer magikery when am half pissed?
I can't remember how I did it this morning!
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