Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Who the hell does Geoff Dreadnought think he is?

Will this rain never end?
It's battering it down here.
'Where have I been' I hear you cry? Well..... 'Where haven't I been?' would be a better question.
Thursday night was the Hammer's leaving do.
[Before I get on to that I must relate his leaving speech. Well the funny bit:
The Hammer: "When I said to my workmates in Birmingham that I was moving to the Head Office in London they said 'Don't go down there it's full of arrogant tossers' and it's good to see so many of you here today!!" - Genius]
Much ale was quaffed (or to quote the Dome 'much piss was throated' - sadly he wasn't there as he's eating duck vaginas in the Kong) and I went on to Greenwich for a few more too.
Then me and Angry decided we needed kebabbage so we got that and watched a film till 2.
Surprisingly I was somewhat jaded the next day.
Unfortunately the next day was big team's drinks. So I waddled down the pub and partook in red wine followed by lots of lager. Somehow by closing time me LooLoo and Scoot decided to go for a curry [there's a food theme developing here] so we set off only to find the curry house shut, and the next one and the next one....
We ended go to some dubious £3 a curry place with the most miserable staff ever seen. But it was nice. Meant we had to go back to Scoot's place in the ghetto (in the ghetto). Ended up staying over (but had a very nice cuddle) and watched a film till very late. [another pattern].
Then! It was Saturday morning and I had to drive to see mum and dad. Man I was so tired I could barely keep me eyes open. You know when you're driving along and you jump and you know you fell asleep for a few secs. Not good. So I pulled over for a cheeseburger and 2 cans of red bull and managed to get to Liverpool in one piece (buoyed by an Everton win!).
Not really much to say aboot 2 nights at mum and dad's. Mum is still very ill and now it's starting to really get dad down. He's on the verge of cracking.
I did have a sausage dinner (2 sausages, tomato, onion gravy, peas and chips) from the chippy though which was lush.
Then Monday morning I drove to Sheffield for a days work their. It's took me 5 hours to get home from Sheffy. I was shattered.
Sadly on Monday morning Pants' dad died. Pants' Dad was a top man and I grew up with him down the road. He was a very intelligent man with a great dry wit. If Pants grows up to be like him then he'll be a great man (even greater than now (he's gonna look just like him)). He got Pants through some bad times and was a great father.
In tribute I think you should all watch this great video from Baris Manco:
Don't you love those expressionate hands?



Blogger Holly said...

So did you get any Valentines Trunky?

5:10 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

Three! Howsabout you?

6:07 PM  

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