Sunday, October 29, 2006

Downward to the Earth

Ah! Sunday. You can't beat knowing that it's back to work tomorrow. Extra hours sleep last night, although I was awoken by my ex wanting me to take her to Bluewater. Imagine my delight!
Monument Valley to Grand Canyon to Las Vegas
Sadly we had to leave Monument Valley (cos I totally loved it) and we got back in the wee planes.
If you look closely above you can see 'the totem pole' a very long thin spire featured in the Eiger Sanction with Clint Eastwood. Too be honest it actually isn't that rock but it is as impressive.

At this stage the pilot realised that the storm ahead (there were frequent bursts of lightning) was too much for the small planes so we had to turn back! He didn't tell us this but I noticed the fact that we were heading back towards Momument Valley. We spent the rest of the the flight running ahead of and around big storms. I have to say old Spunky was sweating.

One of my last views of the Mojave desert.

Getting back to Las Vegas, this where they keep their B52s, tankbusters and fighters. A fair few for the middle of nowhere.
We got to the airport and then got a bus to the real airport and picked up a big old Chevrolet to set on our drive to and across California. Leaving Las Vegas I couldn't help but be impressed by this sign showing some budding entrepreneurs work in the line of poo.

And we were off. Off into the desert! Next stop Death Valley.....



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