Tuesday, March 18, 2008

By the Banksy of the River Thames

On my way home from jury service I spotted a Banksy! The first Banksy in Greenwich to my knowledge.
To be fair it's probably an imposter, but it looks close and is only in one place. It's a cut above the usual shite graffiti in Greenwich.
All the time the bizzies were watching me! But I was watching them too! They were actually watching the kids that ran onto the rails and delayed my train. But still followed me home!
Anyway on the way home I thought I'd also photograph this in my back garden:
These two rose bushes are next to each other, it seem the perncious evil of the plastic bag will tackle less glamorous prey than turtles and dolphins.
The jury service is on day two thanks for asking! Today was more of the same, detailed looking at stuff. And this is only the intro!!!

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Spunky in Session! ORDER!!!! [Plong!]

Well! Day four of jury service.

And guess what?

Forty of us were called in to Court 1 and told were were on the panel for a six week case.

And guess who ended up in the final twelve?

Yup, it's your man spunky.

Work are not happy, it's not really good for my career, but it makes a change eh?

No fitties on the jury with me though sadly.

Monday, March 10, 2008

All of these are American dreams

I'm on jury service!

So hopefully will be able to post the next few weeks.

Here's a picture of when me and the Loobster went to see the Smashing Pumpkins:

Tiny people!