Friday, June 02, 2006

Without you skies are grey, time doesn't pass, there's nothing left but rain.

Well! Here I am. Still hanging around.

Working from home today so I have time to post you -

Another dream from the mind of Trunks:

I'm going back to university (who knows why??) and I'm going with Ian Marshall's Double, Divvy the Younger and his girlfriend (In reality she's his wife AND she had a different face)
[NB I rarely see IMD as he's up in Leeds and DtY I never see at all anymore, despite the fact his wife works behind me. Addiotionally to my knowledge none of them went to Warwick University - SO it's all a bit random really]

We arrive and go to the old science department (where I studied Chemistry for half my time there. OH the pain of Thursday and Friday labs 10-4. I used to have to leave when the bars opened and come back when they shut, 5 pints of Woodpecker (draught!) the merrier. That made it all bearable. Although once my whole experiment exploded in my absence). We then need to get back to our accomodation which is CH3 - 203.
[Cryfield Hall the third to the uninitiated, now I never lived in that hall, it was the quiet hall for God's sake and never had that room number despite living in CH1 and CH2 in my first and third years respectively. However my good friend Andy Chemist was hall tutor there after I left and he did kindly let me live on his floor for a while when I was homeless]

So, anyway, I set off and manage to lose IMD et al I'm wandering all over the shop (It appeared I'd walked through the doss house known as 'Social Sciences'), despite knowing the way like the back of my hand, and I'm forced to ask directions of a security guard.
[Warwick was in posession of a number of comedy security guards, the most amusing of which left a note on my windscreen once because I had parked on the one way street pointing in the wrong direction. The message read, simply enough, 'YOU ARE WRONG'. These are highly educated guys!]

I keep walking for ages and finally recognise where I am. I'm walking up roads thinking 'shit this has changed'. Where fields were there's a church (I thought religion was on the way out!) and even a tower block.
[It looked a bit like Canley, which is by the Westwood accommodation, actually so there's more mixed upness there]

Anyhoo, I walk through an estate. It's huge, there are hundreds and hundreds of identical houses. Looming over this is a huge crane, very daunting and looking like a space invader. It's all a bit apocalyptic to be honest. They clouds are dark grey and the atmosphere is heavy.

I walk across a little bridge across a wee river and DtY turns up on his bike (this oddly seems normal to me). He decides to take the longer route as he doesn't want to carry his bike over the stile on the bridge.
[Check that for unecessary detail in a dream! He was also wearing one of the silly outfits serious bike riders wear]

So....I call IMD on't moby (I have for some reason changed his name on my mobile to 'I want a kebab' - why the devil would I do that?) to give him directions.

I'm aboot there when I come across a mother with her very young child (no more than 2). The child has two sets of black tentacles attached at the abdomen. I'm discussing what we should do aboot it with her when I wake up.
[Do you think you wake up when you get to place in the dream when you can go no further or it becomes too weird?]

So! There you go. That was a dream I had a few weeks ago that I wrote down. I wanted to recycle the paper so I've typed it up to make you suffer it too!



Blogger shazza said...

jesus thats weird!! i never dream stuff like that. mines all consist of work stuff, forgetting to give patients their med etc!! maybe the nytol 'nytol one a night' has something to do with it. without it i am a complete insomniac.

12:01 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

Hmmmm i tried Nytol once. It didn't work. I always have weird dreams. Remembering them is the problem.

Working from home and grey skies!!! How unfair is that?

12:09 PM  
Blogger Nat said...

I can understand where your dreams are coming from. Mine can be pretty fucking weird too.

I hate it when you can feel the doom and gloom in a dream. I always wake up and feel awful for the rest of the day.

Like the one where I stabbed my brother! Couldn't concentrate at all for days.

How are things over on your side of the globe?

2:50 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

I tend to wake up ok to be honest. I don't seem to have negative dreams.

Apart from mum and my forthcoming redundancy things are fine!

Looking forward to beer tonight.

How's your side?


2:59 PM  
Blogger Nat said...

Good thanks. Bloody cold though.

22 degrees today.


12:28 PM  
Blogger H x said...

Oh shush you! It was 22 degrees on Saturday and i got mild sunburn and blisters from sweaty feet in strappy sandals. Niiiice!

4:09 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

I hardly ever remember my dreams, I wish I could because I know they are weird! Grey skies on Friday, been bloody gorgeous all weekend in plymouth. Been oot in the sun!! Lovely!

6:01 PM  

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