Thursday, May 03, 2007

He's a dirty old man, Nick the Chopper

Why do things I have done in the past always catch up with me?
Anyway! I have a new job. Can't be bad really.
People Wot Look Like Me VI
18) The Diet Coke Dude
Apparently if you cover the mouth up of this guy he looks like me.
Obviously I have a better body but.....



Blogger Nat said...

It's uncanny!

You're a real live spunky trunks!

5:44 AM  
Blogger H x said...

Nat, honey. It is possible to big a person up too much. And yes, i know you do this with me too. You don't have to. :)

But Spunky, no, i'm sorry. You are great, spunky even!

But the diet coke man you are not. Nothing like.

What particular drink was the lady on that night? Hmm? ;o)

10:12 PM  
Blogger Nat said...

H, I've not seen spunky in years.

In my head he IS the diet coke man!

However, I don't seem to remember him dancing like a diet coke man....

...does that count?

10:53 PM  
Blogger Spunky Trunks said...

It was my friend Karen.

I merely report. I do not censor.

If you look back a lot of my lookalikes have been horrors.

It's nice to get the odd positive one.


11:29 PM  

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