Sunday, August 05, 2007

This room is a dirty as I feel myself.

WARNING: Please do not read on if you are offended by the word 'Cunt'

A movie of a very sad day:

Me putting The Bear in her travel case so she can move back to Southampton. I did blub a little.

The funny thing is though, I put this on YouTube. Now! Youtube can be a bit shit.
I typed out my video description twice, only for it to be lost in the lameness of YouTube's video download system.

Those who know me will realise by this stage I was ready to break something.

So the third time I gave description, write up and keywords all as 'Cunt' (apologies to those of a more sensitive nature who have read on after the warning above).

"Not very funny", I hear you cry!


But what amused me was the fact that all my other videos (despite some having been there for aboot 3 months, maybe more) have about 150 hits.

This one registered 75 in the time it took me to change the title back to something more relevant.

AH! The joy of internet sickos!

It's a scorcher today, I'd better go outside and add some vitamin D!

(Did you know gingers are better at producing this and hence are better adapted to survive in frozen wastes? Like Scotland).


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I'm empty and boring!

As you all know last month was a sad month. The Bear has gone.
So her final photo is here.
I miss her loads.
Every time I see something out the corner of my eye I think it's her.
On a brighter note I went to the cricket:
Little P, Ape in a suit and Budget Boy were all in good form.
Most entertaining conversation of the day:
Spunky - "I never win anything in my life, but I won a trip to Namibia. I had an excellent time in February. Somewhere I would never have planned to visit."
Ape in a Suit - "I never win anything either, but I won tickets to the Guinness Rugby Final."
Budget Boy - "I won a Lexus"
A supposedly humorous adornment on that most famous of nightspots "Up the Creek":

Soho! When I was a young(er) lad, I used to be a bit grungey. This was the grunge pub:

The Intrepid Fox.

Looks like grunge is no more.

Could someone tell me why this stupid fucking system decides that I now want double spaces between paragraphs?

Also went up north to see mum and dad. Mum is a tiny bit better but has so far to go I'm still very worried. We made a trip to Arnside. Well, we did after about 2 hours in traffic. I never realised a Blackberry was so good! Both for the cricket and Facebook. (speaking of which, get your name down there Dome)

The Arnside Viaduct:

Tea time I guess.
