Well after a weekend of frivolity in Merseyside I'm back. Popped up on Friday night to visit Mum and Dad and got there just in time for chips and gravy! AH! Chips and blinking gravy, it's heaven I tell you AND further culinary treats to come.
After a night of howling (they were looking after my neice for the night) we rumbled off to Formby (scene of the cunning plot me and my good friend Gray plotted many years ago of walking into the sea up to our necks fully clothed. All was good fun until we realised that despite the sun our clothes wouldn't dry and we had to drive home in our (soggy) pants. We must've looked a right comedy duo. Especially arriving home at our parents).
Hmmmm where was I? Oh yes! I must say I've never seen so many red squirrels. Very lovely they were too (and only 30p for nuts to feed them with) I took young Lauren (neice aged 2 ish) running down the slopes using her reigns to pull her into a short flight every time she fell. Very entertaining.
Also! I had purchased 2 pimbletts pies (one meat and potato and one steak) to nourish myself and they were lovely. Why can't southerners make pies?
So then home and out for a posh meal in't village with mum quaffing a whole bottle of wine and moving onto Stella. She doesn't drink much but loves it when she does. That led to some entertaining debate.
A fly down the M6, M1 etc and I'm home and before you know it it's work again. Although today had the bonus of an evacuation in the middle of the team meeting I was running. Home by 4.30! NB it was just a test.
Right, I suppose I ought to do the shopping......