Thursday, September 29, 2005

Second Attempt at Weekend Wobbling

Ha! Right to avoid loss I’m gonna write this up on Word first and then paste it in. That way I won’t end up kicking the PC across the room.

Now to remember what I said…….

Ah yes I went to a wedding at the weekend which was entertaining mainly for the fact that the grooms Dad (a wee grey man with big beard and tiny but long grey ponytail) turned out to be a hell’s angel (hence at the reception changed into T-shirt and leather waistcoat and all his pierced up middle aged mates turned up). And his ex wife was a big old Caribbean mum with a huge family (including the Southampton massive)((Cue turned up suit collars)).

Anyway all was quite well until the Bridesmaid left me her 3 year old kid for me to look after during the speeches (she had decided that I was Uncle Max (or Mr Moo Moo depending on her mood)). Of course it all goes quiet so she starts shouting how rubbish the speeches were. So I have to chuck her over my shoulder and run out.

Thus began over and hour of running round the garden playing chase etc. I was shattered. AND then when it could get no worse she starts shouting that she wanted her mummy and to leave her alone. I had visions of a the police turning up at this stage and putting me on some list. Fortunately I remember the old knee gallopy game and that killed the remaining 15 minutes (and my leg).

As light relief I went back to the dancefloor and did my best Saturday Night Whigfield dance. Only two of us did it, me and the most enormous mum I’ve ever seen. What a sight.

Right I’d better do some work! Beers tonight and then home to the pain of the blues exiting the UEFA cup.



Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ready to Break Something

Welcome back to the (hush) Amazing World of Cheese!

Apologies for the delay in posting. I did actually write a five paragraph epic but the blinking thing didn't publish when I tried cos the site was down and I lost the lot!!!

How grumpy was I!

I may write it up again if I get a minute but the thought pains me a bit.

Well yesterday I was in Sheffield with work, what a glorious cultural city. AND also a place where I can assuage my pie addiction. (imagine my distress at them being sold out and being lumbered with a corned beef slice!). All for a 3 hour meeting on data issues. Oh the thrilling life of Marketing.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Romanian Ramble

I'm rubbish at this game! I never write much. I do have an excuse though because I had a trip to Bucharest to follow the mighty blues in the UEFA cup.

I only managed to sort out accomodation and tickets the day before so it was all a bit of a rush.

Fortunately I have a friend in Bucharest who used to work for me called Dorin (the Uri Geller lookalike). He being an absolute star picked us up at the airport at 5am and took us to the hotel. AND the next day took us for a posh meal and insisted on paying! I must say Romanian food is good. Their soups rock and stuffed vine leaves were lovely (avoided the cabbage as it's just not me).

Well anyway we go to the football (surrounded by 100s of baton wielding big boys)(rrrrrrr!) and lose 5.1 what a gutter. Ach well at least the trip was good fun. The next day we toured the lovely city (well I must say it's very grim and concretey in places but loads of work is being done and it'll be a citybreak with easyjet before you know it), saw the Arc de Triomphe (a bit strange!) and the second biggest building in the world (commissioned by their unbeloved Ceaucescu). It was all good fun. [oh yeah we also tried to walk into what we thought was a tourist attraction only to be turned away by a guard. We looked a bit more closely and realised it was a mental hospital!]

Then it was off out on the beers before catching the 4 am flight home. I had to tell my good friend Andy that the attractive girl who chatted him up in the street was just some young lass who had fallen for his older charms but actually a prostitiute. But we found a nice bar with her help and had a most civilised evening (although Andy was disappointed that the girls dancing on the podiums didn't take their tops off).

All in all a top trip but well shattering. Always good to be back in blighty though. Mind you I think someone decided it was winter while I was away.


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Football Befuddledness

After a most excellent (ok it was complete bobbins) victory for England viewed by myself, Simmo, Jambo, Rob, Johnny Sav and the drummer with long hair that's now short in St Christopher's (no relation) Inn, Greenwich we then went on to watch the slightly better Scotland match. [how bad is my sentence construction] Of course having set of drinking at 1 by seven I was completely schlebened and thought a kebab was a good idea. AND at the time it was, Greenwich Kebab House rocks, sadly I had a kebab enhanced hangover by 11pm. Why do kebabs make these things worse.

Anyway after a solid nights sleep I now seem semi-human again and able to face another sunny english day. (what's going on?) Ah!! Right I now must fix my car and do some chores like putting new switches in the hallway. WOOHOO!


Saturday, September 03, 2005


Hahaa!!!! The weekend is here and I have survived again.

Despite a bit of an ankle injury in our glorious 40 v 15 win on Tuesday I appear to have made a full recovery and should be able to continue my twilight career.

My finger has now pretty much healed too but it looks as if I'm going to be left with a hole in the end of my finger. Will test this on guitars (though not yet my long awaited bass) next week.

Right! Today is a pub day so it time to gird my loins for a day spent in the pub.

I love everyone who reads this. (which is just Nat I think!)
